These snapshots from the Tools for TeachersTM& Tools for StudentsTMvideos depict and explain Some of the techniques demonstrated in the videos.
"The Rocking Puppy" This hands and knees position increases the students' attention with the rhythmic rocking and weight bearing as it strengthens the neck, shoulders, and wrists for classroom tool use. |
"Ball Chair" With dynamic sitting, attention and posture improve and chair rocking subsides. |
"Wheelbarrow Walk" Promotes neck and shoulder stability as well as hand muscle stimulation for classroom tool use. |
"Bean Bag Sandwich" Provides maintained touch pressure calms students and prevents overload from too much noise and invasion of personal space from others. |
"Super boy" This position, going down a slide on the belly strengthens the neck and back muscles for sitting at a desk. |
See snap shots of Tools for Students TMVideo (dvd)
See snap shots of Tools for Teachers TMVideo (dvd)
Henry OT Services, Inc
4000 Pipit Place, Flagstaff, AZ 86004